Choosing the Right Paint Colors for the Interior of Your Home

Color fan (angle view)
Pick a color, any color! Choosing the right paint colors for the interior of your home can be a fun, yet sometimes overwhelming experience. The colors that you choose will reflect a part of your personality so it is important that you choose the best color scheme to represent you while choosing colors that are also visually appealing for your home. With so many colors to choose from, how will you pick the color(s) that fit you best? This is an opportunity to express you!
There are many things to consider when choosing your interior colors. The main rooms should be a focal point, and make sure that the rooms, in turn, do not offset each other when walking through the home. Which rooms need to be brightened up due to lack of sunlight, and which rooms would you like to maybe tone down? If you wish for a room to appear larger, for example, using lighter colors is best.
If you already have your home decorated to your liking, than pick out a piece of furniture or artwork that you love. What is the color scheme used? The right paint colors flow to create a sense of harmony and continuity throughout the home. Colors have a large influence on our mood without us necessarily realizing it so that is why an easy room-to-room flow is very important.

As mentioned on our website, Jeff recommends using Dunn Edwards or Sherwin Williams as your paint brands. Fan decks are a great tool to help customers choose colors and create color schemes, and Jeff always carries these decks with him to estimates so they are easily accessible to you! It is highly recommended that customers get samples from the paint stores, and put up in home. Leave the samples up for a week or so, and see how it goes. Each home is different in the amount of light the home has, and the sizes, etc. Each factor affects the colors. Don’t be afraid to ask for help!