
For a Free On-Site Estimate Call 866-986-9781

Our house painting and commercial painting contractor services include interior, exterior, and specialty surfaces for both homes and businesses.

Our Interior House Painting Services Include

Typical Interior House Painting Job in Orange County
Typical Interior Job

Sand, patch, caulk and prime all doors, trim, baseboards (as needed).

Prime all patched and textured areas.

Paint walls and ceilings with high quality paint in desired sheen (flat, matte, eggshell, satin, semi-gloss or hi-gloss).

Apply two coats of paint (as needed, depending on color change).

Paint woodwork, doors and trim with semi-gloss, hi-gloss enamel acrylic or oil finish (depends on your preference or previously painted surface requirements).

Patch holes, cracks and all imperfections on walls and ceilings (texture patched areas are matched to existing texture).

Wall paper removal.

Our Exterior Painting Services Include

Power wash all surfaces to clean and remove loose paint, mildew and mold.

Stucco: Trench around all foundation, wire brush and patch all cracks and broken away areas. Prime and paint those areas and paint with high quality acrylic paint.

Eaves, Fascia & Wood Siding: Scrape, patch and sand all areas (prime as needed). Paint with acrylic semi-gloss enamel paint.

Trim and windows.

Wood Siding: Treated same as eaves and fascia.

Main doors, Garage doors and trim. Scrape, sand, patch, and prime (as needed). Paint with acrylic semi-gloss enamel.

Wrought iron

Typical Exterior Painting Job by One Way Painting painters
Typical Exterior Painting Job

Schedule Your Free Estimate

Specialty Area Painting Services

Specialties Offered by One Way Painting Include Deck Painting
Specialty Areas

Patio Covers, Fences, Gates and Wrought Iron: prep and paint.

Natural Wood Cabinets: clean, touch-up staining and refinish natural wood kitchen or bathroom cabinets.

Painted Cabinets: using our finest, high technology spraying system natural wood or previously painted cabinets look new again.

Standard of Care

All work is done in a professional manner, covering and masking all areas not being painted. We’ll protect your flower beds and plants. At the end of the day all equipment, ladders, and drop cloths are removed. Our process is pleasant and unobtrusive.

Interior Painting Job Completed By Our Team Of Orange County Painters Standards of Care
Typical Interior Job

Schedule Your Free Estimate

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paint tray, brush and paint can on masked floor

Materials Used

Upon request, customer preferred brand. Please click on the icons below to learn more about these products:

Dunn Edwards Paints
Sherwin Williams Paints
Benjamin Moore Paints

We Are Fully Licensed, Bonded, & Insured Orange County house painters under State License #372767

Don & Patty B.

Just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the great job you guys did on our house. We are very happy and all of your employees were professional and conscientious throughout the job. We are certainly happy to recommend you to anyone in need of your services. Thanks again.”